Buying local handmade art is important


I'm a big fan of handmade art. I love being able to support local artists, so I always make sure that I buy handmade gifts for family and friends. But you don't have to be an artsy person to enjoy and appreciate handmade items — they're also just as lovely if you're someone who prefers practical gifts (like me). So whether you're looking for holiday gifts or simply searching for something special for yourself, here are some reasons why purchasing locally made art is important:


Purchasing handmade art locally helps your community.

Buying local handmade art is a way to support your community. Small businesses and non-profits rely on the income they make from sales, so when you buy something handmade, you're keeping the money in your town or city.


In addition to supporting local businesses and non-profits, buying handmade also helps boost the economy as a whole because it keeps money circulating within an individual community rather than sending it somewhere else. The more people who are making money through their crafty endeavors, the better off everyone will be!


Buying handmade supports local artists and keeps them close to home. There are many reasons for buying local handmade art: it's good for the economy, it gives back to your community and allows you to support those who live in it, but perhaps most importantly--it helps keep artists close by. Buying from a local artist means that you're keeping more of your money within the area where it was earned instead of sending it off into corporate coffers or overseas banks (and let's face it--those big-name art brands aren't going anywhere). And since most people don't have access to major galleries or museums with their huge collections of famous paintings hanging on their walls all day long every day, buying from small businesses like yours can mean getting something special made specifically just for YOU!



Handmade art is a labor of love, created with care and attention by the artist. You can tell that someone has put their heart into it when you see handmade products for sale. This is because each piece has been carefully crafted through hours of work and thoughtfulness, rather than mass-produced in a factory or factory-like setting.


The act of creating something yourself takes time, effort, and dedication--and that makes all the difference!

With handmade art there are often variations in the product, which adds to the charm of each piece.

Handmade art is not mass produced. There are no two pieces of handmade art that are exactly the same, which means you can give a gift that is truly unique.


Handmade art often uses natural materials, and each piece will be slightly different due to variations in wood grain or coloration.


Personalized gifts are always more meaningful than generic ones!


Handmade gifts are a personal way to show someone you care about them.


Handmade gifts are a personal way to show someone you care about them. Not only do these gifts show that you've put thought into their interests, but they also let the recipient know that you value what they enjoy doing. Handmade items are more than just something to give someone; they're an expression of who you are as an individual and how much time and effort went into making them.


Handmade gifts also allow us to be creative in our own ways, which can be beneficial for both parties involved: the giver and receiver get something unique from each other! If there's one thing we can learn from these types of experiences, it's that there isn't just one kind of "right" way to do things; everyone deserves freedom when expressing themselves creatively (as long as those expressions aren't harmful).


Local handmade art is a great way to support your community, stimulate creativity, and get a one-of-a-kind gift for someone special


Buying local handmade art is a great way to support your community, stimulate creativity, and get a one-of-a-kind gift for someone special.


Support local artists: When you buy from an artist in your area, you're helping them pursue their passion and make ends meet at the same time. Plus, when we buy from independent businesses rather than chains or big box stores (like Walmart), we're keeping more money circulating within our communities--which means more jobs!


Support local economy: The more money stays within the community instead of being sucked out by corporations like Amazon or Walgreens, the healthier our economy is likely to be overall; after all, if your town has lots of thriving businesses that employ people who spend their salaries on things like food and transportation... well then it's probably doing pretty well!



Let's be honest, there are many reasons to buy handmade art locally. It's a great way to support your community, stimulate creativity, and get a one-of-a-kind gift for someone special. Handmade gifts also show that you care about the person receiving them because they took time and effort to create something special just for them.


-Kyle Basile